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Enlightening Beyond Our Horizon Series – Hong Kong Cannery

Date, time & venue

2024-03-22;19:00 - 21:00;EngHub

 Programme Highlights


HKIE YMC is thrilled to invite Adrian & Edward from Mezzanine Makers for an enlightening sharing session. This event aims to inspire young engineers by showcasing the transformative journey from engineers to entrepreneurs.

Mezzanine Makers, a team of innovative engineers-turned-entrepreneurs, will share their experiences, challenges, and triumphs in their entrepreneurial journey. They will delve into how they applied their engineering skills to identify problems, design solutions, and ultimately create a successful start-up.

The session will provide insights into the mindset shift from engineer to entrepreneur, the importance of continuous learning, and the value of resilience in the face of adversity. Attendees will also learn about the role of innovation and creativity in entrepreneurship.

To make the event more enjoyable, it will be complemented by a selection of drinks and snacks provided by Mezzanine Makers. This is not just a learning opportunity, but also a chance to network and socialize in a relaxed setting.

This event is a unique opportunity for young engineers to understand the entrepreneurial landscape, explore potential career paths, and network with like-minded individuals. Join us for an engaging, informative, and enjoyable session that could be the first step in your entrepreneurial journey!



Hong Kong Cannery – Edward Ng & Adrian Li


Registration & Enquiries

This sharing session is free of charge and the number of participants is limited to 40. The applications will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis with priority given to Registered Young Members. For registration, please complete the online application form Successful applicants will be notified by email. For enquiries, please contact Mr Martin Lam by e-mail: mlamty@gmail.com





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