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青年會員探索大灣區系列:華為技術有限公司 (青年會員事務委員會及持續專業進修事務委員會聯合主辦)

Date, time & venue


2018年12月15日(星期六); 上午9:00 –下午1:00; 深圳市龍崗區坂田華為基地 (集合地點:落馬洲港鐵站)



港幣$20 (將於活動當天退還予出席者)

名額30個,先到先得,已註冊青年會員將獲優先取錄。本會將提供當地交通接送。如欲報名,請到以下網址填妥並遞交網上表格:https://goo.gl/forms/FqmzpCNJ2SZNpJTe2。成功報名者將收到電郵確認。如欲查詢,請聯絡Howard KWOK,電郵:howard.kwok111@gmail.com。


by Mr HO Chark Ming Alvin

With a view to help young members to locate ourselves on the map, the YMC has set out to build up global views of our members through a series of trips to explore the opportunities offered by the Greater Bay Area and deepen our understanding of what is happening around us.

The theme of the first visit is innovation and we visited Huawei’s headquarters on 15 December 2018. This visit focused on the field of telecommunication, particularly in relation to safe and smart cities, and their vast applications.

Citizen’s safety is one of the primary concerns of global cities. With the full-area wireless positioning technology, positioning engines have locating ability of personnel and goods with sub-metre accuracy. A variety of interactions and assignments can be made with the incorporation of the prevalent technology of “Internet of Things” (IoT).

With high 4K resolution, highly adaptive cameras are engineered with wide dynamic range capability and Optical Defog technology that make them particularly useful in capturing clear images in urban environment. These engineering technologies have certainly demonstrated their significance in serving a safe city.

There is much emphasis on the efficiency of data usage, transmission and storage as the foundation of a smart city. For instance, to improve network connectivity within the city, Huawei also devised a solution, All-Scenario Wi-Fi System, that gives users a high-speed internet experience even in a highly crowded environment.

On traffic engineering, the EI Traffic Intelligent Twins displayed some resemblance to the Smart Traffic Control System developed for the Tai Tam Reservoir in Hong Kong, coming in a greater and more sophisticated scale. With the help of artificial intelligence, it takes into account of traffic volumes on multiple carriageways and optimizes junctions. The effects of traffic adjustment could be immediately reflected on the cloud panel, such as the implications on reduction of trip time and carbon footprint.

Through this visit to Huawei with various cutting-edge engineering solutions, participants are inspired that many possibilities lie in our hands as engineers to design and build smarter in this era of big data and IoT.

Participants at the exhibition gallery discovering leading tele-communicatory technologies

EI Traffic Intelligent Twins : https://www.huawei.com/en/press-events/news/2018/10/huawei-cloud-ei-intelligent-twins



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