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Heritage Tour – 老紅磡發跡史‧消失的電廠和船塢

Date, time & venue


2018年12月8日 (星期六); 下午2時至4時30分; 紅磡區

紅磡位處九龍半島乃至香港的中心點。在上世紀五、六十年代曾經歷過三廠鼎立的局面 (發電廠、船廠、英坭廠),見證著城市的變遷。昔日發達的工業區,是許多工程師和技術人員的搖籃,卻蘊藏著許多父母輩和老街坊的生活傳統。你曾留意到嗎?


香港社會發展回顧項目The Hong Kong Heritage Project的導賞員(粵語進行)

本項目為費用全免,名額20人。 先到先得, 註冊青年會員( RYM )優先。成功參加者將收到電郵確認。如欲報名,請於2018年12月3日 或之前填妥並遞交網上表格: https://goo.gl/forms/Sd2P8csepSOI8jOB3。  如欲查詢,請聯絡 Mr. Timothy LUN (電郵地址 : timlun35@gmail.com) 。


By Timothy LUN

On 8th December 2018, the event Heritage Tour to Hung Hom – The Disappearing Power Station and Dockyard brought fellow participants to a walk-on tour, to explore hidden histories. In the past, Hung Hom once accommodated at least three notable industrial facilities, respectively Whampoa Dockyard, Hok-Un Power Station and Green Island Cement Factory, and many more small-scale "knockoff" factories. Rich and intensive build-up of industries nurtured many engineering practitioners, and provided them opportunities to develop their careers, also raising their families.

The tour first stopped by the Hung Hom Kwun Yum Temple. Constructed by local residents in 1873, it was more than a religious place for worshipping, but also a place of arbitration to resolve dispute between civilians, factories workers, both from local and overseas. 

The tour then walked by streets which named after Chief engineers and managers of Whampoa Dockyard and Kowloon-Canton Railway Corporation, namely the Gillies Avenue, Cooke Street, and Dyer Avenue.

Next stop of the tour was the site of ex-Whampoa Dockyard. Already became a ship-shaped shopping mall, its ex-dry dock No.1 was once the largest scale of its kind, and was capable to fix large scale ships. As it was deeply constructed below sea level, the underground space was effectively utilised as commercial shopping and carpark when the dockyard area was redeveloped into Whampoa Garden in 1980s.

Lastly, the tour paid visit to the site of ex-Hok Un Power Station, which is now the office and the archive of Hong Kong Heritage Project. Many precious and extraordinary maps and documents which reveals the area history were displayed to participants.

The heritage tour event provided fellow members with profound memories and in-person experience, by witnessing the historical engineering site. On behalf of the HKIE-YMC, we would like to thank Ms. Chelsia CHUNG from The Hong Kong Heritage Project for help making this delightful event successful.

Participants enjoyed witnessing untold stories and histories of Hung Hom area in person during the Heritage Tour.

The Heritage Tour event brought participants to witness in person the untold stories and forgotten history of the rise and fall of heavy industries in Hung Hom area.



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