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The HKIE Young Members Committee 39th AGM, Annual Seminar & Annual Dinner 2024

Date, time & venue

2024-06-11;6:30pm – 10:30pm;Grand Ballroom, Royal Plaza Hotel

Programme Highlights


The AGM, Annual Seminar & Annual Dinner 2024 is one of the flagship events organised by the HKIE Young Members Committee, enabling a vibrant platform for young members to foster friendship and exchange innovative ideas in a celebratory environment.

This year, we have the honour to have Mr. Nixon Chau, former managing director & general manager of SenseTime Hong Kong, to be our distinguished Guest of Honour. Mr. Chau will share his wealth of industry experience in the field of A.I. and forward-looking insights on the future of engineering, offering our young members a unique opportunity to gain valuable perspectives from a respected leader in the field.

Other programme highlights include acapella performance, lucky draws and the prestigious presentation of ‘Outstanding Helper Awards’ and ‘Best Reporter Awards’.

For details, please refer to the attached brochure



English and Cantonese



HK$800 per Registered Young Member (RYM)


HK$1200 per non-RYM


Registration & Enquiries

Prior registration is required. Applications will be accepted on a first-come-first-served basis with priorities given to Registered Young Members (RYMs). For registration, please complete the online application form at https://forms.gle/BBvYBpUYcdy3b8Cz9. Success applicants will be notified via email.

For enquiries, please contact Ms Jasmine NG or Mr Macro Chui by email at aaad.ymc@gmail.com.


The Era of Artificial Intelligence and Education - Paving the Path for AGI

By Mr Anson FUNG


To foster a culture of continuous learning and future-proofing for our young members, the HKIE YMC has invited Mr Nixon CHAU from SenseTime to give a presentation at the Annual Seminar, dated 11 June 2024, on the overview of the current and future potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education.


The seminar outlines the evolution of AI technology from the 1980s to 2022, including machine learning, online entertainment, smart healthcare, autonomous driving, and language models. The seminar emphasizes the unprecedented industrial revolution with generative AI targeting diverse user groups across multiple dimensions, forming distinct AI application markets.


To support the development of generative AI, AI computing power plays an important role in providing sufficient support for research and development. SenseCore, SenseTime's proprietary AI infrastructure, has been developed to provide increased efficiency and enhance developer efficiency.


AI governance principles are outlined, including algorithmic accountability, data governance, and AI risk management. These principles aim to increase transparency and oversight over the algorithms powering AI systems and establish clear protocols for data collection, storage, and usage within AI ecosystems.


Finally, the seminar suggests a transformation strategy for embracing a digital-first mindset, investing in data infrastructure and analytics, automating and optimising core processes, enhancing customer experience, and exploring new business models. To create an AI-empowered future through innovation, the seminar suggests cultivating top AI talent, making AI available for disadvantaged groups, developing AI-empowered brain-computer interface technology, and providing voluntary public services for employees.


The seminar highlights the potential of AI technology to transform education by creating a more efficient and effective learning environment. The seminar raised valuable discussions among our young members.

Mr CHAU sharing his insights in Artificial Intelligence




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